Transcultura. Fotografía joven del Caribe en PHotoESPAÑA

28 may. — 5 jun. 2024

Casa de América

— Madrid

© Abdon Deromi
© Abdon Deromi
© Betsaida Vanessa Montero Espaillat
© Betsaida Vanessa Montero Espaillat
© Clavia Aaliyah McClain
© Clavia Aaliyah McClain
© Delton Oshain Barrett
© Delton Oshain Barrett
© Corri Isaiah Luke Latapy
© Corri Isaiah Luke Latapy
© Gabriel Ashleigh Turnquest-Martin
© Gabriel Ashleigh Turnquest-Martin
© Ishan Amaro Ribalta
© Ishan Amaro Ribalta
© Jamal Olajuwon Shaquille Scott
© Jamal Olajuwon Shaquille Scott
© May Reguera
© May Reguera
© Joe Abreu Feijo
© Joe Abreu Feijo
© Jordan Issell
© Jordan Issell
© Leyci Cardonet
© Leyci Cardonet
© Moník Molinet
© Moník Molinet
© Stephan Tyrel
© Stephan Tyrel
© Wane Micheal
© Wane Micheal

Transcultura es una iniciativa de la UNESCO que tiene como objetivo ofrecer un marco formativo, de visibilidad profesional, networking y movilidad internacional a jóvenes creadores del Caribe. 

Quince jóvenes fotógrafos del Caribe presentarán su obra fotográfica en el festival, a la vez que conectarán con destacados comisarios, gestores culturales y fotógrafos de España.

El Programa Transcultura: Integrando a Cuba, el Caribe y la Unión Europea  mediante la Cultura y la Creatividad, financiado por la Unión Europea e implementado por la Oficina Regional de la UNESCO en La Habana, se une a PHotoESPAÑA para dar la oportunidad a quince jóvenes fotógrafos del Caribe, entre los 18 y 35 años de edad, de presentar su obra fotográfica y conectar con destacados comisarios, gestores culturales y fotógrafos internacionales durante la 27ª edición del festival.

El jurado integrado por Luis Prados (Director de programación de Casa de Améroca), Semíramis González (Comisaria independiente), Rubén Bermúdez (Fotógrafo), Valerie Maasburg (Directora de libros de artista de Ivory Press) y la dirección artística de PHotoESPAÑA, ha seleccionado a autores procedentes de Cuba, Bahamas, Jamaica, Trinidad y Tobago, Belice, República Dominicana y Barbados para participar en este programa de actividades que se desarrollará entre el 28 de mayo y el 5 de junio, coincidiendo con la semana inaugural de PHotoESPAÑA 2024.

Autores seleccionados:

Abdon Deromi Tzib – Belice
Betsaida Vanessa Montero Espaillat – República Dominicana
Clavia Aaliyah McClain – Bahamas
Corri Isaiah Luke Latapy – Trinidad y Tobago
Delton Oshain Barrett – Jamaica
Gabriel Ashleigh Turnquest-Martin – Bahamas
Ishan Amaro Ribalta – Cuba
Jamal Olajuwon Shaquille Scott – Trinidad y Tobago
Joe Abreu Feijo – Cuba
Jordan Issell Lopez Martinez – Cuba
Leyci Cardonet Herrera – Cuba
May Reguera – Cuba
Moník Molinet – Cuba
Stephan Tyrel Marshall – Barbados
Wane Micheal Anthoney Fearon – Jamaica

NOTA: El programa sólo está abierto a la participación de los autores seleccionados.


For the first time, PHotoESPAÑA and the programme entitled Transculture: Integrating Cuba, the Caribbean and the European Union through Culture and Creativity, financed by the European Union and implemented by the Regional UNESCO Office in Havana, is offering fifteen young photographers from the Caribbean between the ages of 18 and 25 the opportunity to participate in a training programme designed specifically for them and to present their photographic projects to prominent curators, publishers, heads of cultural centres and other stakeholders in the industry.

The photographers chosen represent Caribbean countries like Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cuba, Dominica, Granada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, the Dominican Republic, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Santa Lucía, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname and Trinidad and Tobago.

Through this joint action on behalf of cultural exchange and cooperation, UNESCO’s Transculture  programme is supporting the international visibility of the artists chosen through different activities, like portfolio viewings, tours through artists’ studios and cultural centres in Spain, attendance at press conferences, presentations and openings of the exhibitions included in PHotoESPAÑA’s 2024 programme, and in-person and online training workshops custom-designed for the photographers from the Caribbean,  thus giving them new tools and professional connections to help them to develop and expand their careers.

Selected authors:

Abdon Deromi Tzib – Belize
Betsaida Vanessa Montero Espaillat – Dominican Republic
Clavia Aaliyah McClain – Bahamas
Corri Isaiah Luke Latapy – Trinidad and Tobago
Delton Oshain Barrett – Jamaica
Gabriel Ashleigh Turnquest-Martin – Bahamas
Ishan Amaro Ribalta – Cuba
Jamal Olajuwon Shaquille Scott – Trinidad and Tobago
Joe Abreu Feijo – Cuba
Jordan Issell Lopez Martinez – Cuba
Leyci Cardonet Herrera – Cuba
May Reguera – Cuba
Moník Molinet – Cuba
Stephan Tyrel Marshall – Barbados
Wane Micheal Anthoney Fearon – Jamaica

NOTE: The program is only open to selected authors.